Monday, January 28, 2008

Come on, Correa...

28.01 - Ecuador: two radio stations warned after putting government critics on the air

The National Council for Radio and Television (CONARTEL) has formally warned two radio stations, Sucre and Caravana, not to practice “political intolerance.” The warning came after government opponents expressed criticism of President Rafael Correa during live broadcasts. CONARTEL asked the two stations, most of whose programmes are broadcast live, to avoid “insults and inappropriate vocabulary.” (


Sorry, but I'm not one of those socialism-at-any-price progressives. Yes, Correa has been a positive force in South America, rooting out political corruption without falling prey to it himself. Chavez lost that battle long ago, and it seems that Correa is taking those first baby steps toward complete domination of the press and public knowledge. It's all a bit disheartening, leaving me without a clever concluding statement.

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